
Why the Moon?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ever as the Moon was the name I decided on for this blog and admittedly,  it may seem like I'm a moon-worshipper or something off like that, but I assure you, I'm not. 😆😉

In all honesty,  I didn't come up with it. God did. :)  I read this phrase in the Bible and it just stuck with me. Probably because I do have a natural affinity for staring at the night sky & moon, so I'm sure it just popped out at me when I read it.

Ever since I was little, I've always been mesmerized by the moon & stars. There is a unique wonder about them that nothing else really has, in my eyes.

The moon, especially,  is so big, bright, and beautiful and outshines everything else in the night sky! It changes with the seasons and waxes and wanes.  It isn't all just about being pretty, though. The moon also serves a very practical purpose. It lights up the night! It also has a gravitational pull that has an effect on the tides, and I think, living creatures, too. (HELLO, we mamas all know when it's a full moon, right?!)

 The moon is just a marvelous, spectacular part of God's creation to me!

And the moon is significant to God, too. In Psalm 89, it speaks of God securing the seed of David, the lineage of Christ, for ever as the moon. He will not break His covenant.  It is established forever.

Praise God for His faithfulness.  That's what the Moon symbolizes for me, personally.  Gods faithfulness.  Though it waxes and wanes, though it pulls the ebb and flow of the tides, still the moon remains faithful to fill the night with light. Though life doesnt go as planned, though deep hurts & frustrations seep in, though trials come and go, still God's faithfulness remains. He is our Light that shines in darkness! What a beautiful truth.

Just remember through the trials of life.... His faithfulness, His goodness, His mercy, His everlasting Hope...
 is Ever as the Moon.


How we Feed our Family of 6 on $120 per week: 10 tips!

Monday, May 6, 2019

Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've posted, but I have had a TON of interest in this topic and I shared some things on Instagram about how i do it, but I thought a blog post may be more helpful. This way, all of the info is in one place and not crammed into a small Insta Highlight :)

So let's get right into it.

How do I feed my family of 6 on $120 (or less) per week.

Well, let me start off by saying it hasn't always been easy. And our budget used to be less, but recently my husband gave us a 'raise'in this department because of baby #4, Haha.

I have gone way over budget in the past, failed miserably,  and totally lost sight of why I trying to save money in the first place, so just know that if you are just starting out trying to cut your grocery budget, it can be tough. And its definitely NOT always easy.  But, if you're up for the challenge, you will eventually reap the rewards.

Someone I have followed for YEARS and has been super helpful in sharing Money saving tips is the MoneySavingMom. A long time ago I read that she said you should be spending about $20 per person on groceries, then add another $20 and that should be your budget.  It made sense to me and so these past few years I have tried to stick with that motto.

1.  Set a Budget and then stick with it.

Everyone's family's needs are different. Thankfully,  my kids don't suffer from any food allergies, so we don't have that hurdle to overcome, but many families do. If you do, then set a budget that's reasonable for your family. It may be higher than mine, it may be less. The important thing to do is to STICK with it.

2. Go to the store with CASH.

This was something I did for YEARS because if I had my card with me, it was so much easier to go over budget. I knew that money was 'there'if I needed it. Taking cash to the store doesn't allow for any wiggle room, so you'll be much more 'choosy' with the items you place in your cart.

3. Set aside a separate budget for things like Toiletries

I do not include toiletries or household items into that total. We don't buy that stuff weekly, and we get most of those things sent to us on autoship by Amazon or buy them in our once monthly Costco haul. We use Dave Ramsey's envelope system, so we set aside money from each check for these items, then use it when we need it. The only thing I DO buy is paper plates and plasticware.

4. Don't be afraid to make multiple stops

I know this is hard for you mamas. But, if you plan out your trip, it will be much less stressful.  Know where you're going and what you'll get where to cut down on the stress of shopping at multiple stores. You know where you'll get the best deal, so get it! If you need someone to watch the kiddos while you take some extra time to shop & save, don't be afraid to ask someone you trust! Most likely, they'll be glad to help. It will be worth it.

5. Shop Aldi & Kroger & your local Stores.

In my experience. ALDI & Kroger always have the best deals. Sometimes,  my local mom & pop grocery store will have great deals, too, especially on meat.  If you want to get the best price on pantry staples, go for Aldi. Best price on organic produce & specialty items, probably Kroger.

6. Keep your mealplan SIMPLE.

Don't overcomplicate shopping by trying to make extravagant meals every night. With kids, I've found that the simplest meals are the most loved. We have 'theme' nights that are the same each week and my kids actually love it. Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday, Spaghetti Wednesday,  etc. We don't always do the same exact cookie cutter meal, but it's always in that 'genre'. They like having that familiarity and get excited for dinnertime! I know what they like, so it makes grocery shopping (and my budget) easier to stick to.

7. Opt for more meatless meals.

This one seems to be the biggest hurdle for people. I often hear, "My husband is a meat and potatoes guy" or something similar. I get it. I really do. We grew up always having meat at every meal. But is it really necessary? Matter of fact, is it really healthy? I won't get into that whole topic, but meat is harder for our bodies to digest, so I promise, you'll be ok if you nix it from a few of your meals. There are lots of other ways to add protein to your diet with beans, whole grains, and even vegetables!
Don't be afraid to try NEW recipes and cooking techniques. Your pocketbook and body will thank you.

8. Meal Prep

Another tough one for some people to get on board with is meal prep. Prepping some lunches ahead of time really saves me time....but also money! If food is portioned out for me and my kids, it's way easier to eat less at a time. Think about cutting up veggies, washing and drying lettuce, making chicken and cutting it up, etc. All of these simple steps will help you out throughout the week.  It will also cut down on eating out, knowing you have food to eat at home.

9. Limit snacking at home.

I am kind of a drill sergeant when it comes to this. Thankfully,  my kids know no different.;) If it's in a package, I won't let them eat it at home. Those are reserved for school lunches. Now, of course sometimes exceptions have to be made, but that's the rule of thumb.  My older kids get one afterschool snack and my little kids get a mid-morning and afternoon snack.  That's it. Push water throughout the day to keep their bellies fuller for longer. The snacks I allow them at home are fruit, veggies, or something I've made like muffins,  yogurt bark, or a smoothie.

 I know my kids and if I let them, they would probably eat all day long if they could. I did that as a child and it did me NO favors in adulthood. I've been overweight my entire life and I don't want them to have that burden unnecessarily.  I'm trying to help create healthy habits for them while they're young. Of course that's not my main purpose for limiting snacks, but you ge the idea.

10. Have a 'Can Do' Attitude

One of my favorite quotes is 'Whether you think you can,  or think you can't,  you're right.' If you go into this endeavor with the attitude of 'that wouldn't work for us', then of course it won't.  Have an open mind, plan accordingly, be committed,  and throw your pre-conceived ideas out the window. Be diligent in searching for good deals and committed to sticking to your meal plan and budget. It will be WORTH it!


Download and sign up for cashback & rewards apps like Ibotta & Fetch Rewards.
I love using these! They're so easy and fun to use. You just select deals on the all and scan your receipts. I've earned cash and gift cards by using these regularly.  If you'd like to sign up, please use my referral codes.

My Ibotta code is: lbehrcf

My Fetch Rewards code is: R5VHN

Thank you guys for reading and I hope this was helpful! I plan to share my meal plan with you guys,  too, as some have asked to see it.  Share with me what some of YOUR favorite money saving tips are ik the comments below ! I would love to hear them!


The 'Man' Behind the Curtain...

Thursday, March 28, 2019

What do you do when God stirs your heart at 11 pm?

 You pray. And read. And write.

 I wish all of you could see my heart. Wish you could see what I’ve seen and where I am coming from.
 But, alas, you cannot. So here I sit and try to pour my heart onto paper.

The topic I’m writing about now is a heavy & serious one. One that shouldn’t be taken lightly. One that affects us all, Christian or not. And I wish you could see it.

There’s really just no good segway into what I’m about to say.... So, here it is.

Satan is attacking.

I’ve seen it first hand. Not just with our country as a whole, but on a much more personal level. There is spiritual warfare going on all around us. And the closer we draw to Christ’s return, the more clearly I see it.

Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

If you call yourself a believer, you should know this.

But, I admit, it can be easy to forget. This is the reason why God continues on in Ephesians 6 and tells us to “put on the whole armour of God.” But not only should we put on the armour of God to protect us in this fight, we need to know who our enemy is.

Who he really is.

 He is the hinderer. He has come to steal, to kill, and to destroy. He desires to have us and sift us as wheat. He is the god of this world that has blinded the minds of those who believe not, so the gospel cannot penetrate their hearts. The prince of the power of the air. The spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience. He walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He is the tempter. The fallen angel. The great dragon. He afflicts and accuses Good Men.

This is our enemy.

And just as a reminder, let me tell you who your enemy is not, dear Christian.

Your enemy is not this crazy world's agenda. It’s not that co-worker that gets on your nerves with their outlandish viewpoints. It’s not your husband that cheated on you or maybe the husband you just don’t get along with. It’s not the slow driver in front of you. It’s not your ungrateful kids. It’s not your pastor, your Sunday school teacher, or that Christian sister or brother in Christ that said or did something hurtful to you. It’s not the lawmakers that pass pro-abortion legislation. It’s not the anti-Christian organizations that push for the removal of your town’s manger scene. It’s not the crazed muslim killing Christians. It’s not that person that slams a door in your face when you’re trying to hand them a gospel tract.

 It’s not your neighbor. It’s not your Christian brother or sister. It’s not your un-Christian family. It's not the President.

It’s the old accuser. It’s satan & his demons.

DO NOT let them win in your life.

 He’s blinding the minds of people everywhere.

Why? Because he knows he loses in the end. And he wants to take as many down with him as he can. God wins. God gets the glory. And satan gets eternal damnation.

So please, friend. The next time you’re in a situation that frustrates you, hurts you, discourages you, frightens you, or hinders you. Remember who we are really fighting. Don't be fooled by the smoke and mirrors. Remember the 'man' behind the curtain of this world.

There is a deeper evil here.

And also, let me remind you, Christian friend…. “This world is not our home”. We are just passing through. Our God is not of this world… He is Faithful & True! Praise God for that truth!

Lean on Him. Look to Him. And be busy about His business until He comes!

“…be thou faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life.”


My "Word" for the Year 2019 and Why

Friday, March 22, 2019

I realize that it's March and this post may seem a little late, but it was written in my mind back in January, haha. And it is almost the length of a book, so reader beware. :)

As far as I can remember, I have never chosen a "word" for the year before .
It has seemed like a good idea to me, but at the same time I thought, "how can I choose just one word for my entire year? Who knows all that will transpire!"

Well, this year I decided to get over that and jump on the bandwagon. My "word" may not seem super spiritual or inspired, but for me it has a lot of meaning.

Photo by Hasan Albari from Pexels

The word I chose for 2019 is STRONGER.

I've already mentioned  in this post how I was either pregnant or nursing for the past 3 years and that takes a toll on a body. I've felt pretty weak, physically, to be honest. Just tired and run-down. Having kids at 30 versus 20 definitely is not the same, haha. 
 So for one, I feel like I need physcial strength and am taking steps towards accomplishing that. 

But, physical strength wasn't my only motivation for choosing this word. I don't just want to grow strong physically, I crave spiritual, emotional, and mental strength, too.

All of us can look around this world and see how fast it's spiraling out of control. In our society, we are dealing with things we never thought we would have to deal with.
I believe most of these issues are due to spiritual wickedness in high places.
Open sin is now acceptable in our culture and I truly feel the media sensationalizing sin is partly to blame for this. But, anyway, that is another topic entirely. 

My point is, in our world today, I believe we may soon be faced with the ultimatum of either denying Christ openly, or persecution for following Christ. I want my mind to be right. I want my heart to be right. I want to be so strong mentally and spiritually that nothing that no one can persuade me to deny my faith or sway me in another direction. 

I want to be a stronger Christian example to my children. Someday, they may be faced with way more than just persecution if our world keeps heading the way it's going. It's my sole responsibility to raise Christian warriors. Are they saved? Are they serving? Am I serving to the best of my ability? Or do I make excuses of why I can't make it to church or head up that ministry? Are they seeing me put my best effort forth in all that I do? Do they see me have a close walk with the Lord every day?

Am I instilling in them a desire to know and follow Christ? Am I teaching them to have strong character, good communication skills, how to tell someone about Christ? Am I an example of one that stands firm in the Faith? So many questions I ask myself. But, the bottom line is, if I am not a strong example of a Christian, how can I raise kids that will stand strong in their faith if/when the time comes that they need to?

My mom was an amazing example of a strong woman. Sometimes, to a fault. She was extremely independent and never "needed" a man to do anything, and I do feel she tried to instill that in her girls. Do for yourself, don't rely on someone else. I am not advocating that that's the best example for a young girl to follow, but it does motivate me to want to be strong in spirit, myself. My husband would tell you I am a "rebel" at heart, and this most certainly is to blame. (Definitely not proud of that title, but it is what it is) It takes serious work on my part and prayer to fully submit to my husband. 

It takes a clear balance to show my children submission to God & husband and strength of character and spirit. Those things are not opposite, though. They actually go hand in hand. It takes inward strength to submit and let God lead. It takes inward strength to be a woman of character and say no to sin. It's easy to go down the path of rebelliousness because that is my sin nature. 

Most of all, I want to be stronger in the Lord because I'm less full of self, and more full of the Spirit. I desperately need God's strength and power this year to mold me into who He wants me to be. I know relying on Him will in turn make me stronger. There is a song that I heard this past fall and it stuck with me. The words are so powerful. It says, "Make me blind, that I might see. Make me lame, that I might praise you from my knees. Let me hunger, let me thirst until your Word is all I need. Because when I'm weak, I'm stronger for it. "  

My desire is that God use my life for His purpose and glory. But He can't do that if I'm constantly relying on my own wisdom and strength to get me through. He wants to use me when I am fully submitted to His will and fully dependent upon Him for strength.

So, what about you? Have you chosen a "word" for 2019? If so, I want to hear it! Leave a comment below and tell me what word you chose and why!


This Day

Thursday, March 21, 2019

This day.

March 21st.

One of the worst days of my year. Leading up to this day, my mind starts to drift away back in heart starts to ache for days gone soul just knows what day is coming.

I try to deny that this is the case, but after nine years I'm tired of fighting it. Embracing this day and all of its awfulness is all I can really do anymore.

Nine years ago on this day, my beautiful mother took her last breath here on Earth.

I remember exactly how that day went and my subconscious likes to play it over and over on the movie reel in my mind, even though I tell myself that don't want to see it.

My personality doesn't lend me to easily engage my emotions because once I do, it's hard to stop. It's so much easier to try suppress all the feelings. But you can only do that for so long.

They say grief comes in waves, and oh, how true that is! I'll just be going along in life when I feel the wave start to swell, and before I know it, it's rolling me over and over under the water.

It's easy to let yourself be swept away by it.

Its so easy to wallow in the sadness and just stay there for days and weeks.

I won't let myself do that, though. Instead I will probably just eat brownies for breakfast (which I did), call my sisters on the phone and cry,  lay in bed with my pajamas on and look at pictures for awhile

This post wasn't meant for you to pity me or feel bad for me, because really, what good is pity, anyway? I want you to see the reason why I am able to get past this day unscathed.

It's God.

He has been my Sustainer these past 9 years. My Comforter, my Guide, my Friend that sticks closer than a brother,  my Lighthouse on the shore when I feel the tide of grief pulling me out to sea.

It's ok and healthy to grieve. But at some point, you have to stop letting the grief control how you live your life.

This day will always be hard for me, I'm sure. This day, Mother's Day, her birthday, Christmas. All the days she made special or that we celebrated her shooting star of a life. But God sustains and keeps me. I continually have to cast this care on Him. The best part is, He never grows tired of carrying it for me.

Some day I will get to see my Comforter face to face. And the joy and beauty of that truth is that I will also get to see my mom that same day. The one who raised me, loved me, and taught me what it meant to follow Christ.

My heart fills with joy over that thought. My heart clings to that Hope.

If you're drowning under the wave of grief, don't let it consume you. Talk to someone. Pray. Talk to your Pastor.  Ask for help from your spouse or friend. Talk to me. I know what it means to lose your best friend and mom, so I'm sure I could be of help. But just don't let it consume you. Give that care to God, because He cares so much for you. Even if it means you have to give it over and over again.

 Feel the sadness. Embrace it for a day.
But give it back to God the next and thank Him for his goodness.


Glitter Peel Off Mask Review

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

*there are affiliate links included in this post, but I am not being sponsored by e.lf. or Ulta*

Yesterday I woke up with two lovely surprises on my face....then as the day progressed, another popped up. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I'm sure you know where I'm going with this...

And to finish the day out strong,  I was accidentally clocked in the face with a phone charger and now have a lovely little bump on my nose.🙄 The cherry on top. 🍒

So today, determined to save my face from complete and utter destruction,  I decided to do the e.l.f. Glitter Peel Off Mask I picked up the other day!

I've seen so many dramatic videos of girls saying their faces were being ripped off by these types of masks (and I'm sure you have,too), so OF COURSE I wanted to try one!😂

This mask was pretty inexpensive at just $8 at my local drugstore. I like that there are multiple uses in one purchase because ya know your girl-- I am constantly looking for a good deal. 

Also, the GLITTER was a huge draw for me. I'm all about glitter at all times. It's usually always appropriate in my book.🤷🏻‍♀️ 💯

Oddly enough, the glitter part ended up being what I was the most displeased with. I didn't appreciate having random glitter stuck to my face afterwards...But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let's start here.

Initial thoughts:
🌟I LOVED the glitter aspect.
(Hello, Unicorns & glitter!!!)🦄🦄
🌟 I like the fact that there are no Parabens, Sulfates, or Pthalates.
🌟I desperately wanted to try a peel off mask because people are so dramatic when taking them off!

🌟Easy to Apply with a brush and the brush wipes clean after very easily.
🌟Charcoal, Witch Hazel, Lavender
🌟My skin feels very soft afterwards
🌟I do feel like my pores look tighter
🌟Price- $8 for multiple applications

🌟There is now glitter all over my face that doesn't seem to want to come off
🌟The sides of my face (high on my cheekbones) feels a little irritated,  like I scraped my face.
🌟It says to wait 30 mins, but 20 mins was ample time to let it dry

All in all, this was a fun product to try!

 I don't want to say everybody that makes a big deal of removing these are babies, buuuuut, they're babies! 🤣🤣  No, seriously, I think most of those videos are just to get views. I knew that going into trying one and I just had a feeling it wouldn't be that bad.
It wasn't bad peeling this off, however, it hurt the worst around my eye area,  which makes sense since that's a sensitive skin area.

Next time I use this, I would just apply it around my nose, from cheek area, t zone and chin.  Just the areas where my pores are super large.

I still feel the skin tingling/irritation in the parts described above, even some time later,  so just be aware that may happen to you, too.

For me, this was a good beauty purchase because I am someone that has large pores and struggles with them getting clogged, if not using the right products for my skin.

Will this mask clear up the hormonal damage that has taken place on my face in the past few days? Not sure, but we shall see.

If you'd like to purchase this mask, it is available at Ulta, Walmart or your local drugstore.

Thanks for reading this super long post about a glitter mask! 😂

You guys are da best.🙌


Why I started blogging again...

Monday, March 18, 2019

Hey friends.

I know it may seem like I am all over the place lately. Annnnnnddd that's partly true. ;) But the reason is mostly because I feel like, for whatever reason, God is leading me to pursue my passions this year!! Those passions just happen to be writing, shopping, reviewing, & doing and selling makeup! :) If I sound like I'm crazy and ADD, it's because I am. #sorrynotsorry
It doesn't help that I have a husband that supports just about every endeavor I embark on. LOL!

Maybe it's because I have literally either been pregnant or nursing these last 3 years and I finally feel MYSELF for once! hah!

If you are a mom of young children, you know how easy it is to completely lose who you are in serving your family. Which, is TOTALLY commendable and necessary for a time, however, it can also be very draining mentally and emotionally.  Now that I am past that pregnancy/constant nursing stage for the time being (or forever, we aren't totally sure yet, hehe), I feel like I'm able to do more of the things I love, while still serving my family at home.

And the older I get, the more I LOVE being at home. But that's another story. Back to the Blogging...

Well, once upon a time ago, I was a blogger. Maybe you read it, Healing the Heaviness. My main premise was about me losing weight and sharing spiritual encouragement. Oddly enough, I didn't actually lose a substantial amount of weight until after I stopped blogging! I never wanted to quit because I dearly loved it, but something happened and ALL of my content was literally wiped off of the face of the earth. I'm still to this day not totally sure how it happened, but hopefully it doesn't happen this time.

I was honestly so discouraged about it, that I gave up. I just took that happening as
a sign that it was time to take a break. Plus, during that time, we had moved into a new home and life just happens so fast. I can't even believe that we've been in this home for going on 7 years now. So clearly, it's been ahwhile since I've written.
Three different times since then, I have "started" a blog behind the scenes, but have never had the words to put to it. I knew I wanted to be back writing, but just didn't have the peace about it.

But writing will always hold and special place in my heart.

One thing I will say is that without the Holy Spirit's leading, I have nothing to write. He gives the words, the ideas, the moments, the memories and all of the content that is shared here. I hope that when you read these words, you know that they come from an overflow of what God has done in my heart.

I'm labeling this as a lifestyle blog, just because I feel that is ALL encompasing, but most of all, I hope that you will find Christian encouragement here. Who knows what all I will be sharing in the future, but I hope you guys just enjoy reading it.

Basically, this is just for me. To pour out my thoughts somewhere other than my husbands ears. bahahahaha!

If you'd like to keep up to date on my posts and be notified when I write a new one, please follow my Instagram for this blog @everasthemoon.
Thanks, friends.



When your kid cries for a snack, but he really needs something else...

As parents,  we "have our kids' numbers" don't we?? We usually know what sets them off, gets them excited,  etc. 

Well today,  I learned that I may not know them as well as I thought... 

Today after school, Sawyer (my wild, rambunctious, LOUD boy) got in the van. He immediately asks "Mom, what's for dinner?!" Every moms favorite question. 🙄

Then he proceeds to tell me he's STARVING and needs to go to Taco Bell ASAP for 3 cheese roll ups 😂. I explain to him that's not happening and the wails ensue. 

 One thing you must know is that when he is hungry,  he acts like a bear with a one-track mind. He complains, whines, and all but convulses.

  Because I'm determined not to lose my cool this year, (yay for resolutions!) I decide to pick my battles and Ruby and I ignore him and enjoy a nice conversation on the ride home. Eventually,  he stops and is pleasant.

We come home, he FINALLY eats a snack, but continues to be just downright irritating to me and his sister. I'm clearly already annoyed from the hunger-stricken boy performance in the car, so the tension is mounting. 

This is all happening while I'm trying to make dinner and half-watching a YouTube video about dieting (no judgment, please). So, in an effort to diffuse his instigating demeanor, I make him leave the kitchen while Ruby and I get supper ready...

Then he goes in the dining room and acts like hes in the kitchen but not. Of course, it's a game to him! Typical boy!

Trying to just ignore his antics, I continue with dinner. I get it going, then grab my phone to go into my room for a moment of peace, when I turn around and see he's following me..

I whip around, ready to bite the kid's head off because WHY is he acting this way today?! I turn to him and say, "What, Son?! What is it? What do you want?!"

And that's when his big, deep-blue eyes looked up at mine, he put his arms around my waist and said as sweet as he could, "You."

At that moment, all anger in me was gone. All the tension and irritability lifted. I felt like I melted into a puddle of mush. 

Why was he being so loud and obnoxious? Because he wanted me. My attention.  He wanted me to SEE him and BE with him after he was at school away from me all day..

I hugged him and said, 'Ok, buddy. Let's sit down and read your book together.' We then sat down together, just he and I for about 10 minutes while dinner was cooking away and I could see his hyper-active self instantly start to settle into calm. 

I was ashamed that I let myself get irritated when I am the adult here. HE is a child. He doesnt always know to say, "Mom, I had a long day and want to be with you now for comfort". But I should sense that in him. I could tell yesterday after he got home that he missed being home, especially after such a nice long break.

Parents, let's remember to give our kids grace. Oh, theres plenty of times when they need a swift kick in the rear (clearly, I'm exaggerating- but you get it), but theres also times when they need US. Our love, our hugs, our compassion, our attention and most importantly,  Our time. That's my important lesson of the day- I'm sure there will be many more this year 

The Value of a Husband

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Recently my husband had a minor health scare. He was having chest pains and because of some other precursors he has, it caused concern, especially for me.

I'm given to anxiety more than most, and immediately my internal alarms went off. Is he ok? Is it a heart attack? Should we go to the ER?

If you know my husband, you know he's about as low-key as they come. Basically, it takes a lot to get him worried or concerned,  especially if it's in regards to his health; however the man does NOT like pain. (Typical man, amiright???)

Although the situation made me nervous, I gave it to God and said, "Lord, if you want him to go to the hospital,  then let him tell me that."

Well, He went all night and all day then decided, "ok, I should probably get checked out." So, after dropping the kids off with the grandparents, off we went to the ER. Ironically,  3 other men popped into the ER with chest pain right after us, too. (I was wondering if this had to do with the upcoming full moon or something?!)

Anyway, all in all, the night was uneventful. They did a myriad of tests--all the typical heart tests and blood tests. After 3 hours, everything checked out fine. The conclusion was that it was probably muscular, and looking back now, we definitely think it was.

My husband, who loathes going to see doctors and getting treated like a patient, had to sit there for hours with an IV in his hand. He was at the mercy of the hospital staff and he did not like it.

The whole time I kept thinking,  "This is it. This may be the experience that really 'wakes him up'about his health. Maybe this little scare will actually motivate him to do something about it."

After getting home, and seeing he was ok, just in a little pain, I had a realization.  Actually,  it was more like God struck my heart. Maybe this situation wasn't for his benefit at all...maybe it was for mine.

So often I take this man for granted. This guy that works tirelessly for his family. He hardly sleeps because of the work schedule placed on him. And though it sometimes makes him grumpy or moody, he really does handle it all so well.

Where would I be without him? Not just his financial support, but his moral support. His love, his attention,  his touch, his laugh  and all the things he brings to the table  of our life every day ! Where would our children be without our spiritual leader to guide and direct us?

It seems to me like so often we see husbands undervalued in our society.  Where are the Memes talking about #dadlife and how hard it is to go to work and provide for your family day in and day out, much of the time without a thank you?

Where are the Blog posts dedicated to the gentlemen that show their kids what it's like to read their bible every day?

Is it because there is a lack of these types of men? I dont know.

But I DO know that my man is this type of man. He's a gentle Father. He's a caring husband, even when he's tired. He's a super hard worker. He is resilient.  He is thoughtful. He is hilarious.  And he seeks the Lord in all he does.

If you have a man like mine, take a moment to celebrate him. Be thankful for him. Tell him how thankful you are and how gray  your life would be without him.

That day wasn't really a wake up call for him.
But it was for me.

I hope I never lose the gratefulness that I was struck with that day.
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Ever as the Moon, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Danielle Dee and Ever as the Moon with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. All of the views and opinions expressed here are solely the views of the author.