
The Value of a Husband

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Recently my husband had a minor health scare. He was having chest pains and because of some other precursors he has, it caused concern, especially for me.

I'm given to anxiety more than most, and immediately my internal alarms went off. Is he ok? Is it a heart attack? Should we go to the ER?

If you know my husband, you know he's about as low-key as they come. Basically, it takes a lot to get him worried or concerned,  especially if it's in regards to his health; however the man does NOT like pain. (Typical man, amiright???)

Although the situation made me nervous, I gave it to God and said, "Lord, if you want him to go to the hospital,  then let him tell me that."

Well, He went all night and all day then decided, "ok, I should probably get checked out." So, after dropping the kids off with the grandparents, off we went to the ER. Ironically,  3 other men popped into the ER with chest pain right after us, too. (I was wondering if this had to do with the upcoming full moon or something?!)

Anyway, all in all, the night was uneventful. They did a myriad of tests--all the typical heart tests and blood tests. After 3 hours, everything checked out fine. The conclusion was that it was probably muscular, and looking back now, we definitely think it was.

My husband, who loathes going to see doctors and getting treated like a patient, had to sit there for hours with an IV in his hand. He was at the mercy of the hospital staff and he did not like it.

The whole time I kept thinking,  "This is it. This may be the experience that really 'wakes him up'about his health. Maybe this little scare will actually motivate him to do something about it."

After getting home, and seeing he was ok, just in a little pain, I had a realization.  Actually,  it was more like God struck my heart. Maybe this situation wasn't for his benefit at all...maybe it was for mine.

So often I take this man for granted. This guy that works tirelessly for his family. He hardly sleeps because of the work schedule placed on him. And though it sometimes makes him grumpy or moody, he really does handle it all so well.

Where would I be without him? Not just his financial support, but his moral support. His love, his attention,  his touch, his laugh  and all the things he brings to the table  of our life every day ! Where would our children be without our spiritual leader to guide and direct us?

It seems to me like so often we see husbands undervalued in our society.  Where are the Memes talking about #dadlife and how hard it is to go to work and provide for your family day in and day out, much of the time without a thank you?

Where are the Blog posts dedicated to the gentlemen that show their kids what it's like to read their bible every day?

Is it because there is a lack of these types of men? I dont know.

But I DO know that my man is this type of man. He's a gentle Father. He's a caring husband, even when he's tired. He's a super hard worker. He is resilient.  He is thoughtful. He is hilarious.  And he seeks the Lord in all he does.

If you have a man like mine, take a moment to celebrate him. Be thankful for him. Tell him how thankful you are and how gray  your life would be without him.

That day wasn't really a wake up call for him.
But it was for me.

I hope I never lose the gratefulness that I was struck with that day.

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