
Why I started blogging again...

Monday, March 18, 2019

Hey friends.

I know it may seem like I am all over the place lately. Annnnnnddd that's partly true. ;) But the reason is mostly because I feel like, for whatever reason, God is leading me to pursue my passions this year!! Those passions just happen to be writing, shopping, reviewing, & doing and selling makeup! :) If I sound like I'm crazy and ADD, it's because I am. #sorrynotsorry
It doesn't help that I have a husband that supports just about every endeavor I embark on. LOL!

Maybe it's because I have literally either been pregnant or nursing these last 3 years and I finally feel MYSELF for once! hah!

If you are a mom of young children, you know how easy it is to completely lose who you are in serving your family. Which, is TOTALLY commendable and necessary for a time, however, it can also be very draining mentally and emotionally.  Now that I am past that pregnancy/constant nursing stage for the time being (or forever, we aren't totally sure yet, hehe), I feel like I'm able to do more of the things I love, while still serving my family at home.

And the older I get, the more I LOVE being at home. But that's another story. Back to the Blogging...

Well, once upon a time ago, I was a blogger. Maybe you read it, Healing the Heaviness. My main premise was about me losing weight and sharing spiritual encouragement. Oddly enough, I didn't actually lose a substantial amount of weight until after I stopped blogging! I never wanted to quit because I dearly loved it, but something happened and ALL of my content was literally wiped off of the face of the earth. I'm still to this day not totally sure how it happened, but hopefully it doesn't happen this time.

I was honestly so discouraged about it, that I gave up. I just took that happening as
a sign that it was time to take a break. Plus, during that time, we had moved into a new home and life just happens so fast. I can't even believe that we've been in this home for going on 7 years now. So clearly, it's been ahwhile since I've written.
Three different times since then, I have "started" a blog behind the scenes, but have never had the words to put to it. I knew I wanted to be back writing, but just didn't have the peace about it.

But writing will always hold and special place in my heart.

One thing I will say is that without the Holy Spirit's leading, I have nothing to write. He gives the words, the ideas, the moments, the memories and all of the content that is shared here. I hope that when you read these words, you know that they come from an overflow of what God has done in my heart.

I'm labeling this as a lifestyle blog, just because I feel that is ALL encompasing, but most of all, I hope that you will find Christian encouragement here. Who knows what all I will be sharing in the future, but I hope you guys just enjoy reading it.

Basically, this is just for me. To pour out my thoughts somewhere other than my husbands ears. bahahahaha!

If you'd like to keep up to date on my posts and be notified when I write a new one, please follow my Instagram for this blog @everasthemoon.
Thanks, friends.



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