
When your kid cries for a snack, but he really needs something else...

Monday, March 18, 2019

As parents,  we "have our kids' numbers" don't we?? We usually know what sets them off, gets them excited,  etc. 

Well today,  I learned that I may not know them as well as I thought... 

Today after school, Sawyer (my wild, rambunctious, LOUD boy) got in the van. He immediately asks "Mom, what's for dinner?!" Every moms favorite question. 🙄

Then he proceeds to tell me he's STARVING and needs to go to Taco Bell ASAP for 3 cheese roll ups 😂. I explain to him that's not happening and the wails ensue. 

 One thing you must know is that when he is hungry,  he acts like a bear with a one-track mind. He complains, whines, and all but convulses.

  Because I'm determined not to lose my cool this year, (yay for resolutions!) I decide to pick my battles and Ruby and I ignore him and enjoy a nice conversation on the ride home. Eventually,  he stops and is pleasant.

We come home, he FINALLY eats a snack, but continues to be just downright irritating to me and his sister. I'm clearly already annoyed from the hunger-stricken boy performance in the car, so the tension is mounting. 

This is all happening while I'm trying to make dinner and half-watching a YouTube video about dieting (no judgment, please). So, in an effort to diffuse his instigating demeanor, I make him leave the kitchen while Ruby and I get supper ready...

Then he goes in the dining room and acts like hes in the kitchen but not. Of course, it's a game to him! Typical boy!

Trying to just ignore his antics, I continue with dinner. I get it going, then grab my phone to go into my room for a moment of peace, when I turn around and see he's following me..

I whip around, ready to bite the kid's head off because WHY is he acting this way today?! I turn to him and say, "What, Son?! What is it? What do you want?!"

And that's when his big, deep-blue eyes looked up at mine, he put his arms around my waist and said as sweet as he could, "You."

At that moment, all anger in me was gone. All the tension and irritability lifted. I felt like I melted into a puddle of mush. 

Why was he being so loud and obnoxious? Because he wanted me. My attention.  He wanted me to SEE him and BE with him after he was at school away from me all day..

I hugged him and said, 'Ok, buddy. Let's sit down and read your book together.' We then sat down together, just he and I for about 10 minutes while dinner was cooking away and I could see his hyper-active self instantly start to settle into calm. 

I was ashamed that I let myself get irritated when I am the adult here. HE is a child. He doesnt always know to say, "Mom, I had a long day and want to be with you now for comfort". But I should sense that in him. I could tell yesterday after he got home that he missed being home, especially after such a nice long break.

Parents, let's remember to give our kids grace. Oh, theres plenty of times when they need a swift kick in the rear (clearly, I'm exaggerating- but you get it), but theres also times when they need US. Our love, our hugs, our compassion, our attention and most importantly,  Our time. That's my important lesson of the day- I'm sure there will be many more this year 

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