
My "Word" for the Year 2019 and Why

Friday, March 22, 2019

I realize that it's March and this post may seem a little late, but it was written in my mind back in January, haha. And it is almost the length of a book, so reader beware. :)

As far as I can remember, I have never chosen a "word" for the year before .
It has seemed like a good idea to me, but at the same time I thought, "how can I choose just one word for my entire year? Who knows all that will transpire!"

Well, this year I decided to get over that and jump on the bandwagon. My "word" may not seem super spiritual or inspired, but for me it has a lot of meaning.

Photo by Hasan Albari from Pexels

The word I chose for 2019 is STRONGER.

I've already mentioned  in this post how I was either pregnant or nursing for the past 3 years and that takes a toll on a body. I've felt pretty weak, physically, to be honest. Just tired and run-down. Having kids at 30 versus 20 definitely is not the same, haha. 
 So for one, I feel like I need physcial strength and am taking steps towards accomplishing that. 

But, physical strength wasn't my only motivation for choosing this word. I don't just want to grow strong physically, I crave spiritual, emotional, and mental strength, too.

All of us can look around this world and see how fast it's spiraling out of control. In our society, we are dealing with things we never thought we would have to deal with.
I believe most of these issues are due to spiritual wickedness in high places.
Open sin is now acceptable in our culture and I truly feel the media sensationalizing sin is partly to blame for this. But, anyway, that is another topic entirely. 

My point is, in our world today, I believe we may soon be faced with the ultimatum of either denying Christ openly, or persecution for following Christ. I want my mind to be right. I want my heart to be right. I want to be so strong mentally and spiritually that nothing that no one can persuade me to deny my faith or sway me in another direction. 

I want to be a stronger Christian example to my children. Someday, they may be faced with way more than just persecution if our world keeps heading the way it's going. It's my sole responsibility to raise Christian warriors. Are they saved? Are they serving? Am I serving to the best of my ability? Or do I make excuses of why I can't make it to church or head up that ministry? Are they seeing me put my best effort forth in all that I do? Do they see me have a close walk with the Lord every day?

Am I instilling in them a desire to know and follow Christ? Am I teaching them to have strong character, good communication skills, how to tell someone about Christ? Am I an example of one that stands firm in the Faith? So many questions I ask myself. But, the bottom line is, if I am not a strong example of a Christian, how can I raise kids that will stand strong in their faith if/when the time comes that they need to?

My mom was an amazing example of a strong woman. Sometimes, to a fault. She was extremely independent and never "needed" a man to do anything, and I do feel she tried to instill that in her girls. Do for yourself, don't rely on someone else. I am not advocating that that's the best example for a young girl to follow, but it does motivate me to want to be strong in spirit, myself. My husband would tell you I am a "rebel" at heart, and this most certainly is to blame. (Definitely not proud of that title, but it is what it is) It takes serious work on my part and prayer to fully submit to my husband. 

It takes a clear balance to show my children submission to God & husband and strength of character and spirit. Those things are not opposite, though. They actually go hand in hand. It takes inward strength to submit and let God lead. It takes inward strength to be a woman of character and say no to sin. It's easy to go down the path of rebelliousness because that is my sin nature. 

Most of all, I want to be stronger in the Lord because I'm less full of self, and more full of the Spirit. I desperately need God's strength and power this year to mold me into who He wants me to be. I know relying on Him will in turn make me stronger. There is a song that I heard this past fall and it stuck with me. The words are so powerful. It says, "Make me blind, that I might see. Make me lame, that I might praise you from my knees. Let me hunger, let me thirst until your Word is all I need. Because when I'm weak, I'm stronger for it. "  

My desire is that God use my life for His purpose and glory. But He can't do that if I'm constantly relying on my own wisdom and strength to get me through. He wants to use me when I am fully submitted to His will and fully dependent upon Him for strength.

So, what about you? Have you chosen a "word" for 2019? If so, I want to hear it! Leave a comment below and tell me what word you chose and why!


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