
How we Feed our Family of 6 on $120 per week: 10 tips!

Monday, May 6, 2019

Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've posted, but I have had a TON of interest in this topic and I shared some things on Instagram about how i do it, but I thought a blog post may be more helpful. This way, all of the info is in one place and not crammed into a small Insta Highlight :)

So let's get right into it.

How do I feed my family of 6 on $120 (or less) per week.

Well, let me start off by saying it hasn't always been easy. And our budget used to be less, but recently my husband gave us a 'raise'in this department because of baby #4, Haha.

I have gone way over budget in the past, failed miserably,  and totally lost sight of why I trying to save money in the first place, so just know that if you are just starting out trying to cut your grocery budget, it can be tough. And its definitely NOT always easy.  But, if you're up for the challenge, you will eventually reap the rewards.

Someone I have followed for YEARS and has been super helpful in sharing Money saving tips is the MoneySavingMom. A long time ago I read that she said you should be spending about $20 per person on groceries, then add another $20 and that should be your budget.  It made sense to me and so these past few years I have tried to stick with that motto.

1.  Set a Budget and then stick with it.

Everyone's family's needs are different. Thankfully,  my kids don't suffer from any food allergies, so we don't have that hurdle to overcome, but many families do. If you do, then set a budget that's reasonable for your family. It may be higher than mine, it may be less. The important thing to do is to STICK with it.

2. Go to the store with CASH.

This was something I did for YEARS because if I had my card with me, it was so much easier to go over budget. I knew that money was 'there'if I needed it. Taking cash to the store doesn't allow for any wiggle room, so you'll be much more 'choosy' with the items you place in your cart.

3. Set aside a separate budget for things like Toiletries

I do not include toiletries or household items into that total. We don't buy that stuff weekly, and we get most of those things sent to us on autoship by Amazon or buy them in our once monthly Costco haul. We use Dave Ramsey's envelope system, so we set aside money from each check for these items, then use it when we need it. The only thing I DO buy is paper plates and plasticware.

4. Don't be afraid to make multiple stops

I know this is hard for you mamas. But, if you plan out your trip, it will be much less stressful.  Know where you're going and what you'll get where to cut down on the stress of shopping at multiple stores. You know where you'll get the best deal, so get it! If you need someone to watch the kiddos while you take some extra time to shop & save, don't be afraid to ask someone you trust! Most likely, they'll be glad to help. It will be worth it.

5. Shop Aldi & Kroger & your local Stores.

In my experience. ALDI & Kroger always have the best deals. Sometimes,  my local mom & pop grocery store will have great deals, too, especially on meat.  If you want to get the best price on pantry staples, go for Aldi. Best price on organic produce & specialty items, probably Kroger.

6. Keep your mealplan SIMPLE.

Don't overcomplicate shopping by trying to make extravagant meals every night. With kids, I've found that the simplest meals are the most loved. We have 'theme' nights that are the same each week and my kids actually love it. Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday, Spaghetti Wednesday,  etc. We don't always do the same exact cookie cutter meal, but it's always in that 'genre'. They like having that familiarity and get excited for dinnertime! I know what they like, so it makes grocery shopping (and my budget) easier to stick to.

7. Opt for more meatless meals.

This one seems to be the biggest hurdle for people. I often hear, "My husband is a meat and potatoes guy" or something similar. I get it. I really do. We grew up always having meat at every meal. But is it really necessary? Matter of fact, is it really healthy? I won't get into that whole topic, but meat is harder for our bodies to digest, so I promise, you'll be ok if you nix it from a few of your meals. There are lots of other ways to add protein to your diet with beans, whole grains, and even vegetables!
Don't be afraid to try NEW recipes and cooking techniques. Your pocketbook and body will thank you.

8. Meal Prep

Another tough one for some people to get on board with is meal prep. Prepping some lunches ahead of time really saves me time....but also money! If food is portioned out for me and my kids, it's way easier to eat less at a time. Think about cutting up veggies, washing and drying lettuce, making chicken and cutting it up, etc. All of these simple steps will help you out throughout the week.  It will also cut down on eating out, knowing you have food to eat at home.

9. Limit snacking at home.

I am kind of a drill sergeant when it comes to this. Thankfully,  my kids know no different.;) If it's in a package, I won't let them eat it at home. Those are reserved for school lunches. Now, of course sometimes exceptions have to be made, but that's the rule of thumb.  My older kids get one afterschool snack and my little kids get a mid-morning and afternoon snack.  That's it. Push water throughout the day to keep their bellies fuller for longer. The snacks I allow them at home are fruit, veggies, or something I've made like muffins,  yogurt bark, or a smoothie.

 I know my kids and if I let them, they would probably eat all day long if they could. I did that as a child and it did me NO favors in adulthood. I've been overweight my entire life and I don't want them to have that burden unnecessarily.  I'm trying to help create healthy habits for them while they're young. Of course that's not my main purpose for limiting snacks, but you ge the idea.

10. Have a 'Can Do' Attitude

One of my favorite quotes is 'Whether you think you can,  or think you can't,  you're right.' If you go into this endeavor with the attitude of 'that wouldn't work for us', then of course it won't.  Have an open mind, plan accordingly, be committed,  and throw your pre-conceived ideas out the window. Be diligent in searching for good deals and committed to sticking to your meal plan and budget. It will be WORTH it!


Download and sign up for cashback & rewards apps like Ibotta & Fetch Rewards.
I love using these! They're so easy and fun to use. You just select deals on the all and scan your receipts. I've earned cash and gift cards by using these regularly.  If you'd like to sign up, please use my referral codes.

My Ibotta code is: lbehrcf

My Fetch Rewards code is: R5VHN

Thank you guys for reading and I hope this was helpful! I plan to share my meal plan with you guys,  too, as some have asked to see it.  Share with me what some of YOUR favorite money saving tips are ik the comments below ! I would love to hear them!


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