
Why the Moon?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ever as the Moon was the name I decided on for this blog and admittedly,  it may seem like I'm a moon-worshipper or something off like that, but I assure you, I'm not. 😆😉

In all honesty,  I didn't come up with it. God did. :)  I read this phrase in the Bible and it just stuck with me. Probably because I do have a natural affinity for staring at the night sky & moon, so I'm sure it just popped out at me when I read it.

Ever since I was little, I've always been mesmerized by the moon & stars. There is a unique wonder about them that nothing else really has, in my eyes.

The moon, especially,  is so big, bright, and beautiful and outshines everything else in the night sky! It changes with the seasons and waxes and wanes.  It isn't all just about being pretty, though. The moon also serves a very practical purpose. It lights up the night! It also has a gravitational pull that has an effect on the tides, and I think, living creatures, too. (HELLO, we mamas all know when it's a full moon, right?!)

 The moon is just a marvelous, spectacular part of God's creation to me!

And the moon is significant to God, too. In Psalm 89, it speaks of God securing the seed of David, the lineage of Christ, for ever as the moon. He will not break His covenant.  It is established forever.

Praise God for His faithfulness.  That's what the Moon symbolizes for me, personally.  Gods faithfulness.  Though it waxes and wanes, though it pulls the ebb and flow of the tides, still the moon remains faithful to fill the night with light. Though life doesnt go as planned, though deep hurts & frustrations seep in, though trials come and go, still God's faithfulness remains. He is our Light that shines in darkness! What a beautiful truth.

Just remember through the trials of life.... His faithfulness, His goodness, His mercy, His everlasting Hope...
 is Ever as the Moon.


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