
Hyped up "Healthy" Beauty Products: Purchase or Pass? Part 1!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Natural & Healthy beauty seems to be alllll the rage lately, if you're in the beauty world.

It seems like DAILY new products are being launched! It's exciting for someone like me that LOVES health and beauty products, but it can also be overwhelming when you're frugal and only want to spend your money where you know you'll be getting a good-quality product. I for one always want to get the most bang for my buck!

So, I thought it would be fun if I took some time and reviewed a few for you guys and told you my honest thoughts on each of them.

Here are four that it seems like I've heard a TON about lately.

Charcoal Whitening Toothpaste
Cleansing Balms
Eye Masks
Gemstome- Infused Products

Clearly, this is not a list of all the new products out there being touted as amazing,  but just a few I was very eager to try.

After writing up a blog about just the first product,  I realized that these were going to have to be split up into different parts, because clearly, this girl has a lot to say! 😜

With that being said, let's first take a closer look at the Charcoal Whitening toothpaste that people are showing amazing before and after pictures with.

Here's the brand I purchased from Amazon. This particular brand had really good ingredients listed for a good price, so I decided to go with it. A lot of these toothpastes can cost you upwards of $20! Mine was just under $10.

Be forewarned,  this toothpaste is BLACK and it will turn your entire mouth black I if you use it! This didn't really bother me because, of course, it washes off. But I was careful not to get it on my clothes or on my sink.

The smell was pleasant and the texture wasn't too gritty for my taste. I loved the fact that it was made USA, too.

One thing I noticed was that this toothpaste felt quite abrasive on my teeth. Because of that, I only used it once a day (at night) at first, alternating with my regular toothpaste (in the morning). I have sensitive teeth and weak enamel, so I wanted to be careful with it.

After reading more online, I found that it's  actually a good idea to not overdo it with the charcoal toothpaste because it can be very abrasive.

Anyway, after using it for a few weeks faithfully, and almost finishing the entire tube, I honestly never noticed any difference in how my teeth looked. And my mouth didn't feel any cleaner after brushing with it, either.  I felt like I had to use more product to get that "minty fresh" feeling that I wanted.

It's probably not a product I would purchase again, mostly just because I wasn't  really able to see measurable results and it's pricier than my regular toothpaste. It's definitely like an "add on" product,  not really a "necessity". So for me, I guess it's a pass.

What about you? Have you guys tried a Charcoal toothpaste yet? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!

Have a lovely day!


1 comment:

  1. Hi there, this is my first visit to your blog. Thanks so much for stopping by mine. :) I enjoyed this post. I look for natural products that are made with healthy ingredients and are budget-friendly. I haven't heard a lot about charcoal toothpaste. I appreciate your review of it! Thanks so much for sharing. :)


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