
5 Skincare Tips to Get You Started in the Right Direction!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Ahh, Skincare.

It sounds like such a simple concept. Then you go to online shop or step into Sephora and you're immediately aware that there is no such thing as "simple" when it comes to the array of skincare products that are on the market.

If you're like me, you look at the shelves of products and you're in shell schock.

How do I know which products will work best for my skin?
How much am I willing to spend on products that I'm not positive will work for me?
What ingredients should I avoid in my skincare?
What time of day should I use what products?

These are all some of the questions I have asked in the past. And believe me, I've tried a lot of products on my skin. Ranging from high end, to low end. I finally feel like I am in a good rythym with my skincare regimine, and although I wouldn't say I've discovered a fool-proof formula that will help every. single. person. I would love to share with you just a few tips on how you can find the right skincare products for your own skin.

I'm going to keep this as basic, simple, and practical as I possibly can because I get how confusing it all can be!

First, in order to find which ingredients will target your specific skincare needs best, you will need to identify what type of skin you have.

  There are a few basic types. Normal, Oily, Dry, Acne prone, Sensitive, and Combination. Combination is basically just a fancy name for having characteristics of multiple skin types in one. Can you guess which type I have? Yup....that's right. COMBINATION!

I have always thought, since highschool, that I have had Normal to Oily, and that was mostly the case. However, having children and dealing with fluctuating hormones has left my skin with multiple issues. I do still deal with oiliness and acne, but I also have dry patches and some sensitivity.

If you're confused about which skin type you have, check out this video that may be a help to you.

Ok, now that you've determined which skin type you mostly likely have, no we can move onto which products you should be using. I'll be posting more in-depth advice on specific skin types later, but let's look at what's beneficial to almost everyone!

Because, don't forget, we are trying to keep this simple.

The types of products I will be mentioning in this post will usually work across the board. Now, dont't get me wrong, I am not naive enough to think that there's a "cure-all" product for every skin type, because there certainly is not. However, these products are good for almost anyone, like I mentioned before .

Notice the use of the word almost. There is always exceptions to every rule, and if you're skin is the exception, don't dismay. I'll be doing a post on super sensitive skin in the future.  :)

Now, what I will say before getting into them is that you should always skin test a product first. You can do this by applying some to the skin on your forearm. Once the product has passed that test, you can try a patch of skin on your low cheek and see how it works with the skin on your face.

Ok, without any further ado, let's get right into which types of products you should be using on your skin.

Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

1. Products free of Parabens, Pthalates, and other toxic chemicals.

Listen, I probably sound like a broken record saying this to you, but just chalk this up as the last time you need to hear it. STOP using products that contain hormone disrupters in them. It's not good for your skin and it's not good for your body. Your body deserves more than that. I get it, these products are probably cheap. But, girl, you're not cheap, so don't skimp on this. If a product contains Parabens, Pthalates, or other harsh chemicals, let it be a deal-breaker for you. You're better than that.

2. Moisturizers that contain natural emollients.

Some examples of natural emollients are jojoba oil, avocado oil, squalane, shea butter and cocoa butter. There are MANY other different forms of an emollients, but it would take awhile to list them all. Basically an emollient is an ingredient in a moisturizer that softens the skin. Emollients work to "fill in the cracks" on our skin's barrier and give it a hydrated appearance and texture. Now, not every emollient is created equal, in my opinion and one that I steer clear of is Mineral oil.

Did you know there aren't actually any minerals in mineral oil? Interesting,  right? It's actually derived from crude oil (like where we get gasoline from) and to me, that just weirds me out.

 Is it safe to use? Yes. But is it probably the best for your skin? I doubt it. I feel like there are so many better options out there, like, emollients that contain anti-inflammatory & antioxidant benefits. Boabab oil is a great example of this! Rich in Omega 3s, antioxidants and why wouldn't I want that in my skincare?!

3. Hydrating Products that don't dry your skin out.

Beware of the products that make your skin feel tight, itchy or dry after using! And please, please don't over wash your face with soap and water. Too much of that can actually break down your skin's barrier.

And, if you have oilier skin, don't be afraid to add a moisturizer. Your skin could be even more oily because its trying to overcompensate for those drying products!

You want to use products that are filled full of ingredients that will help that skin barrier stay moisturized. Ingredients that are good to look for are hyaluronic acid, peptides, boabab oil (there it is again!), fatty acids, plant-derived oils and ceramides.

When in doubt, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Here is the Hydrating Cleanser that I use.

4. Spend the extra $$ on a good Serum & Essence!

Now, maybe you have no idea what these two things are and if you don't,  that's ok. Here's a quick explanation. A serum is a targeted treatment, especially beneficial for anti-aging and an essence or Hydrating mist basically preps your face to better absorb your moisturizer.

 Here's an example of that: Go get a dry sponge and squirt some lotion on it. Does it really absorb the lotion? Now go get a dry sponge, get it wet first,  then squirt some lotion on it. Different result,  right? That's the importance of a serum and essence before a moisturizer.

And a good-quality serum just can't be beat. This is where you'll really start to see those amazing results come in. Usually with these, a little goes a long way, so don't be afraid to spend the extra money here.

If you're concerned about spending a lot of money and something not working for you, try going with a brand that has a money back guarantee like this one.

5. Use your products Morning & Evening, if you can, but at LEAST in the evening.

Lathering up your skin before bed is a great idea because it allows all of those amazing ingredients to soak in overnight! Don't overcomplicate it, though. Use your skincare when you KNOW you'll use it!

And lastly, when you've found a good routine that you can work into your lifestyle,  stick with it.

Girl, I know how busy you are because I know how busy life can get! But skipping a skincare routine isn't worth it in the long run. Yes, we will all age, but isn't it worth it to try and age gracefully? I think so. (My husband may disagree 😏)

But find the products that work well for your skin type and stick with them. Consistency is key in order to see and feel results. I promise a year from when you start, you'll be pleased with what you see in the mirror. :)

Now, if you want to know exactly what I use on my combination skin,  stay tuned because another post will be coming with all the deets!

Thanks for reading and I HOPE this helped you!


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