
My Word for 2020.

Monday, February 10, 2020

If you read this post last year, then you may be wondering if I've chosen a new word for the year 2020.

And the answer is, YES. It only took me a month, but I've got it. :)

I think back to last year's word, and I see so many times where I had to rely on His strength and in doing so, God really did make me stronger. There was some tough stuff. Not earth-shattering,  but stuff that I had to learn the hard way.

I had to grow a thicker skin. I had to find an inner strength I thought I lost. I had to lean hard into my marriage, at times. I had to remind myself of God's promises. I had to make new committments. I had to work through painful memories. And through it all, God was good.

This year, I know exactly what it is that God is placing on my heart to work on. And that is Consistency.

I've started a great many things in my life, but honestly there have been few I've finished.  I'm an adventurer at heart and have all the great ideas. 😜

But, my follow-through is definitely lacking, if I'm being honest with myself. Point blank: I'm lazy and don't like it when things get hard. Usually as soon as there's pushback of any kind, I stop.

And the sad part about that is, I'm probably missing out on the greatest breakthrough when I stop dead in my tracks. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, I know that. But I allow my own self-doubt and negative self talk to get in my way.

My husband frequently says, "You just need to get out of your own head. Stop talking yourself out of it." And he's right. That's exactly what I do.

But this year, that's something I aim to quit doing. I want to push through and work through all the growing pains. I want to show up, every day, and take action in my life. Not just float by, going from thing to thing, without making a conscious decision about what I'm doing.

One of the things I want to work on is this. Writing.

Lord, willing you'll be seeing a lot more posts from me because my goal is to consistently write three times a week. And not just write, but write good, helpful content that I can feel good about.

I've wanted to write for years, and I'll never be a good writer if  I don't actually start and KEEP writing!

I hope that you'll pray for me, that I stay consistent in my daily life.  There are so many things I need to stay consistent at. My time with God, my parenting in a way that points to Christ, my health, making my marriage a priority, etc so I need lots of prayer!

What about you? Have you chosen a word for the year 2020? If so, why did you choose that word?

I would love to know!


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